Create your first Looker Studio (Google Data Studio) Dashboard

Yannawut Kimnaruk
6 min readDec 25, 2022


Looker Studio, formerly Google Data Studio, is an online tool for converting data into customizable informative reports and dashboards introduced by Google in 2016 (source: Wikipedia).

It is a free BI tool to create an interactive dashboard online. The advantage of Looker Studio is that it is easy to use and it requires only Gmail to get started. Although Looker Studio has some limitations on complex calculations or visualization, it is enough to quickly create a useful dashboard.

In this article, I will show you step-by-step how to create a dashboard with Looker Studio. You can follow this tutorial and put the created dashboard in your portfolio. Awesome!!

If you are familiar with other BI tools such as Power BI or Tableau, you will understand the concept easily. Anyway, don’t worry if you never try that tool before, this is much less complicated.

Enough talk, Let’s start!

Steps summary

  1. Create a data source
  2. Create charts
  3. Create drop-down lists
  4. Make the dashboard beautiful
  5. Share the dashboard

Create a data source

The data source that I will use in this tutorial is a dataset of used car prices and can be downloaded from

Go to

Then click Create -> Data Source

Create data source

Search for csv (Comma-separated values) and click File Upload

Search for csv

You will see an uploading file area. Click on “CLICK TO UPLOAD FILES” and find the downloaded file in the directory or drag the file to this area.

Wait until the file status becomes uploaded. Then, click the CONNECT button.

Connect uploaded file

You will see the detail of the table like column names and types. Change the data type of each column to the appropriate one. The data type will affect the chart you create in a report. On this page, you can create a new calculated parameter by clicking ADD A FIELD.

Next, click on CREATE REPORT.

Car data

Create charts

After clicking on CREATE REPORT, you will go to the report/dashboard page.


Delete the table (or any chart) by clicking on the table/chart and pressing the delete button.

The concept of the Looker Studio is dragging fields on the Data Area on the right to the dashboard area and the chart will be automatically created. Then, you can adjust the chart in the Chart area which contains 2 tabs: SETUP and STYLE.

Let’s start with a combo chart.

I want to show average car price trends each year in both the present price and the selling price along with the number of records in the dataset to check the reliability of data.

Drag “Year” from the Data Area to the Dashboard Area. Follow by dragging “Present_Price” and “Selling_Price” to the chart created after dragging “Year”. The “Record Count” may be added automatically. If the “Record Count” is not in the Metric, drag it from the Data Area to the chart. Dimension and Metric in the Chart Area should look like this.

However, we want the average prices each year not the summation of the prices. Click on the SUM and change to Average.

Currently, it is a line chart, not a combo chart. This chart doesn’t distinguish the price and the record count, so it may misguide users.

To change a chart type, click on the chart on the dashboard, click on the Chart in the Chart Area, and select the chart type. In this case, select the Combo chart.

Change chart type

You will see a combo chart like in the below picture.

Combo chart

Next, create a column chart

I want to compare the present price and the selling price grouped by categories such as car name, fuel type, transmission, and the number of owners.

To create a column chart for car name, drag the “Car_Name” from the Data Area to the Dashboard Area. Then, drag “Present_Price” and “Selling_Price” to the chart.

Change the chart type to a column chart.

Change chart type

You will see a column chart as illustrated below.

Column chart

Do the same for fuel type, transmission, and the number of owners.

Create drop-down lists

Drop-down lists are designed for user input. They will filter charts based on drop-down values.

To add a drop-down list to the dashboard, Click on the Insert tab and select the Drop-down list. Then, drag the field you want to create a drop-down to the Control field.

You will see a drop-down that can be expanded to filter the field.

Repeat this step for Car_Name, Fuel-Type, Transmission, and Owner.

Make the dashboard beautiful

There is a lot of detail in a dashboard design. I will cover only some parts which are simple but can make a great impact.

  • Change theme

Click on the Theme and layout button and select the theme.

Change theme
  • Arrangement

Try to arrange the charts to be in the same line. Select charts and in the Arrange tab, Click Align vertically and select Middle.

How to arrange the charts
  • Text/Chart size

After selecting a chart, click on the SYYLE tab under the Chart Area. Explore this tab to adjust chart color and text style.

This is my final dashboard after adjustment.

Car price dashboard

Feel free to share yours in the comment.

Share the dashboard

Here comes the last step. It is time to share your dashboard publicly.

On the top-right corner, click on the Share button and select the Get report link.

Get report link

Click on View sharing settings to adjust the sharing option to the public. Then, click on Copy link. Then, you can share this link with others.

You can view my dashboard in the below link.

Congratulation!! You finish creating your first Looker studio dashboard. Feel free to share your dashboard in the comment section.

Please clap and follow me if you want to read more data analytics content.



Yannawut Kimnaruk
Yannawut Kimnaruk

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